【 聽音樂學英文/英文單字不重覆】
“Learn English Through Music/"Unique Vocabulary"
“Listen to a beautiful and touching song,"Rapidly familiarize yourself with 10 English words"
【適合對像】: 非英語系國家-國中高中以上都適合。英語系國家-高中以下。
“Target audience: Suitable for junior high school and above in non-English speaking countries. Suitable for below high school in English-speaking countries."
【字彙含蓋範圍】: 雅思,託福,全民英檢-10,000 個常考單字系列。"
“Vocabulary coverage: IELTS, TOEFL, GEPT – 10,000 frequently tested vocabulary series."
【字彙含蓋範圍】: 進階單字 3600系列, 中階單字3600系列,初級單字3600系列 。"
“Vocabulary coverage: Advanced vocabulary 3600 series, intermediate vocabulary 3600 series, beginner vocabulary 3600 series."
defrost (v.) /dɪˈfrɔːst/
解凍,使解凍(jiě dòng, shǐ jiě dòng)
解凍、解凍させる(kaitō, kaitō saseru)
해동하다, 해동시키다(haedonghada, haedongsikida)
demise (n./v.) /dɪˈmaɪz/
死亡,終止;遺贈,轉讓(sǐ wáng, zhōng zhǐ; yí zèng, zhuǎn ràng)
死、終焉;遺贈、譲渡(shi, shūen; izen, jōtō)
죽음, 종결; 유증, 양도(juk-eum, jonggyeol; yujeung, yangdo)
deride (v.) /dɪˈraɪd/
嘲笑,嘲弄(cháo xiào, cháo nòng)
嘲笑する、あざ笑う(chōshō suru, azamawaru)
조롱하다, 비웃다(joronghada, bi-utta)
despoiler (n.) /dɪˈspɔɪ.lər/
掠奪者,破壞者(lüè duó zhě, pò huài zhě)
略奪者、破壊者(ryakudatsu-sha, hakkai-sha)
약탈자, 파괴자(yaktalja, pwagyeja)
dietary (a.) /ˈdaɪ.ə.tər.i/
飲食的,膳食的(yǐn shí de, shàn shí de)
食事の、食事に関する(shokuji no, shokuji ni kanren suru)
식사의, 식사와 관련된(siksa-eui, siksa-wa gwanryeon-doen)
digression (n.) /daɪˈɡreʃ.ən/
離題,脫軌(lí tí, tuō guǐ)
脱線、脱線(dassen, dassen)
탈선, 벗어남(talseon, beoseonam)
disintegrate (v.) /dɪsˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪt/
分解,瓦解(fēn jiě, wǎ jiě)
分解する、崩壊する(bungkai suru, hōkai suru)
분해하다, 붕괴하다(bunhaehada, bunghoehada)
distance (n./v.) /ˈdɪs.təns/
距離,間距;使疏遠,與…保持距離(jù lí, jiān jù; shǐ shū yuǎn, yǔ … bǎo chí jù lí)
距離、間隔;遠ざける、距離を置く(kyori, kankei; tōzakeru, kyori o oku)
거리, 간격; 멀어지게 하다, 거리를 두다(geori, gangeok; meoreojig gehada, georireul duda)
dizziness (n.) /ˈdɪz.i.nəs/
頭暈,眩暈(tóu yūn, xuàn yūn)
めまい、眩暈(memai, gen’un)
현기증, 어지러움(hyeongigeung, eojiro-eum)
dragonfly (n.) /ˈdræɡ.ən.flaɪ/
蜻蜓(qīng tíng)
“Breaking Free"
Verse 1:
I thaw out the doubts, defrost my fears
In the demise of my old self, new hope appears
I won’t let them deride, I won’t fall prey
To the despoiler of dreams, I’ll make my way
On a dietary journey, I find my way
Through digressions and doubts, I’ll stay
I won’t let myself disintegrate, won’t give in
Flying towards distance, shedding the weight within
Verse 2:
Through the dizziness, I see clear
Like a dragonfly, I’ll persevere
Navigating this path, I refuse to break
In the beauty of progress, I find no mistake
Wings of determination, I rise above
Embracing the challenge, feeling the love
Through sweat and tears, I emerge strong
In this transformation, where I belong
On a dietary journey, I find my way
Through digressions and doubts, I’ll stay
I won’t let myself disintegrate, won’t give in
Flying towards distance, shedding the weight within
With weightless wings, I soar
No longer bound by what was before
In this journey of self-discovery, I’m free
To be the best version of me.