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Rhythm for English Speaking (How British People Really Speak English) | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

Rhythm for English Speaking (How British People Really Speak English)

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STOP speaking English with the wrong rhythm! Learn the stress patterns and weak sounds that give British English its unique flow. This game-changing pronunciation technique will make you sound more natural instantly! *Get your FREE PDF * _here_ 👉🏼https://ex.ewl.info/pdf180
TEST YOUR PRONUNCIATION! *Take the full 45-question online test for free here* 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/pronleveltest
All other links at https://ewl.info

Interested in joining my English Programmes? Click here: https://ewl.info
Want to find your perfect tutor? Again, click here: https://ewl.info
Want to practise speaking English without pressure, and get instant feedback? Explore Langua, the world’s most advanced AI for language learning. ​Try it here​, and save 20% on Pro with the code LUCY20: https://ewl.info
Anything else? You’ll probably find it here: https://ewl.info
(I’ve recently simplified my system and now have just one link for everything!)

0:00 Introduction
01:50 English Rhythm: Stressed and Unstressed Syllables
04:23 English Rhythm
10:38 English Rhythm in Common Phrases
11:09 English Rhythm in Poems
12:29 OUTRO

Personal/Vlogging Channel: http://bit.ly/LucyBella
Instagram: @englishwithlucy
TikTok: @english.with.lucy
Email for English course enquiries ONLY: help@englishwithlucy.com

#learnenglish #english #grammar


@EnglishwithLucy 說道:

Here are the two freebies I mentioned! Get your FREE PDF and exercise pack here 👉🏼https://ex.ewl.info/pdf180
Test your Pronunciation Level for FREE with my Online Pronunciation Test here 👉🏼https://bit.ly/pronleveltest

@mbuotidemisaac8354 說道:

🤯Oh my!!!

This was amazing. My favorite part was the limerick.

I'm definitely going to listen to this for like a thousand times.

You're such an amazing teacher 🙏🌹

@Ruskieit 說道:

Super useful and interesting lesson today Lucy!

@Claudiannea 說道:

"want, have and drink was stressed" it should be "were stressed" because they are joined by and. You spent too much time with Lingua marina and also pretend you know English.

@EliMandarin 說道:

Thank you so much Lucy! This video was the one I had been wanting to learn and know for years! I can’t appreciate more! ❤Excellent work!

@璨星-u6p 說道:

This is sooo interesting! Now I can't get that melody out of my head hahaha

@adventureshawon 說道:

Anyone from Bangladesh 🇧🇩

@woodies2009 說道:

A quick report; A YouTube channel called 'Update with Tajmul' is using your video without permission.

@ramontorres1385 說道:

Teacher Lucy always gives the best to teach us ❤. truly appreciated ❤❤❤

@teresali3677 說道:

Lucy is always amazing

@RAUL110459 說道:

If all British people spoke as clearly as you, I would understand 90% of British English. Great lesson, Lucy.

@itsjohnmauriceotieno 說道:

I once asked for lessons with eggcorns,
Alas they didn't come you see,
But classes with rhythm,
Are no less I feel good,
Keep up the good work, Lucy! 😅

@fallen-il8ze 說道:

I enjoy every video of you, but this one… this one was really the top notch! ♥
(And seriously, someone make a re-mix of the rhythm part (and also an 1 or 10 hour loop xD)

@ibvocean 說道:

I like EngLucy 😂

@MilaMirage 說道:

I would emphasize "could – pizza"

@AbaraMarga-k1w 說道:

Hello bast woman ❤❤❤❤❤

@MilaMirage 說道:

Hm… I would emphasize "can – text-when-home"

@MilaMirage 說道:

Hm… I would emphasize only the word "before"

@osholovers9568 說道:

So nice🎉

@razvansd 說道:

So cool this video ! I like it very much!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟😀👍

@AmilcarLobosco 說道:

Thank you Lucy 🎶🎷🙌❤️

@dadahacks 說道:

love the sentences eaglish sentences

@MaengiFanaiMaengiFanai 說道:

Miss Lucy can help me pronounce this one 23°36'57.9"N

@abiddineabdallah4847 說道:

I write these lines in rimes to make a poem
And I think it's far to be lame
I'm kind of Lucky
I don't think too much cocky
You just have yourself to blame

Sorry if there are grammatical mistakes

@Jonsonjonson361 說道:

Dear madam may I get one month regular course under your institute from tomorrow onward

@jacekgrudzinski536 說道:

Lucy it's great, ❤

@DavidoTombiko-dd5oc 說道:

Gosh! Did Lucy just Rap
I had to leave my crap
To focus on only her
For she enriches my brain
From her I learn with no pain🙂🤗

@ansaicalugan3378 說道:

Is this A paid review test? 📝✍️

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