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【沉浸式學習】【The Wizard's tale】聽音樂學英文,聽一首美麗動人的歌,熟悉10個英文單字;無論您是在玩遊戲,搭車,工作,開車,寫功課,都能隨時沉浸在這動人的音樂世界裡。(超燃快節奏) | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

【沉浸式學習】【The Wizard's tale】聽音樂學英文,聽一首美麗動人的歌,熟悉10個英文單字;無論您是在玩遊戲,搭車,工作,開車,寫功課,都能隨時沉浸在這動人的音樂世界裡。(超燃快節奏)

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這首歌包含【轉生打怪學英文-五】]遊戲 中的10個單字,AD5-71-80
【字彙含蓋範圍】: 雅思,託福,全民英檢-10,000 個常考單字系列。
【字彙含蓋範圍】: 進階單字 3600 系列 。
【適合對像】: 非英語系國家-國中高中大學以上都適用。英語系國家-高中以下都適用。

Arouse (v) /əˈraʊz/
喚起, 激起 (huàn qǐ, jī qǐ)
呼び起こす、刺激する (yobiokosu, shigekisuru)
자극하다, 불러일으키다 (jagukhada, bullereulheukida)

Array (n) /əˈreɪ/
陣列, 排列 (zhèn liè, pái liè)
配列、整列 (hairetsu, seiretsu)
배열, 정렬 (baeyeol, jeongnyeol)

Ascend (v) /əˈsend/
上升, 爬升 (shàng shēng, pá shēng)
登る、昇る (noboru, noboru)
오르다, 상승하다 (oreuda, sangseunghada)

Ascent (n) /əˈsent/
上升, 攀登 (shàng shēng, pān dēng)
上昇、登攀 (jōshō, tōhan)
상승, 등반 (sangseung, deungban)

Ascertain (v) /ˌæsərˈteɪn/
確定, 查明 (què dìng, chá míng)
確かめる、確認する (tashikameru, kakunin suru)
확인하다, 알아내다 (hwakinhada, ara-naeda)

Ascribe (v) /əˈskraɪb/
歸因於, 歸咎於 (guī yīn yú, guī jiù yú)
帰因する、由来する (kiin suru, yurai suru)
~의 탓으로 돌리다, 귀속시키다 (~ui tas-euro dorrida, gwisokshikida)

Aspiration (n) /ˌæs.pɪˈreɪ.ʃən/
志向, 抱負 (zhì xiàng, bào fù)
志望、向上心 (shibō, jōshōshin)
포부, 열망 (pobu, yeolmang)

Aspire (v) /əˈspaɪər/
渴望, 有志於 (kě wàng, yǒu zhì yú)
熱望する、志す (netsubō suru, kokorozashi)
열망하다, 갈망하다 (yeolmanghada, galmanghada)

Assert (v) /əˈsɜːrt/
斷言, 聲稱 (duàn yán, shēng chēng)
断言する、主張する (danten suru, shūchō suru)
단언하다, 주장하다 (daneonhada, jujanghada)

Assorted (adj) /əˈsɔːtɪd/
各種各樣的, 混合的 (gè zhǒng gè yàng de, hùn hé de)
多様な、混合された (tayō na, kōgō sareta)
여러 가지 종류의, 잡다한 (yeoreo gaji jongryu-ui, japdahan)

(The Wizard’s tale)

Verse 1:
In a land where magic’s deep and true,
A wizard with a mission knew,
To vanquish evil, brave and bold,
With spells and charms, his story told.

Arouse the power deep within,
Array of spells, his journey begin,
To ascend where dragons fly,
Ascent to where the darkness lies.

Verse 2:
With staff in hand, he did ascertain,
The dragon’s lair, where fear had reign,
Ascribe his name in legend’s scroll,
Aspiration in his heart and soul.

Arouse the power deep within,
Array of spells, his journey begin,
To ascend where dragons fly,
Ascent to where the darkness lies.

He aspired to greatness, to be the best,
To assert his will, to pass the test,
Assorted skills at his command,
To face the dragon, a magic wand in hand.

The wizard’s tale, a legend grand,
His courage strong in every land,
His magic bright, his spirit unbroken,
Just like our lives, filled with trials to be broken.


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