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Ad5 51- 60 Conquest of the Cold ,聽一首美麗動人的歌,輕鬆熟悉10個英文單字.音楽を聴いて英語を学ぶ。美しい感動的な曲を1曲聴けば、10個の英語単語を簡単に覚えられる。 | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

Ad5 51- 60 Conquest of the Cold ,聽一首美麗動人的歌,輕鬆熟悉10個英文單字.音楽を聴いて英語を学ぶ。美しい感動的な曲を1曲聴けば、10個の英語単語を簡単に覚えられる。

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輕鬆聽,自在學 (含歌詞)
這首歌包含 [ 轉生打怪學英文-五 ]Steam遊戲 中的單字,AD5-51-60
字彙含蓋範圍: 雅思,託福,全民英檢-10000個常考單字系列。
英単語範囲 – IELTS/TOEFL 頻出10000語/IELTS/TOEFL 필수 10000단어

Annuity (n) /əˈnuːəti/
年金,定期金 (nián jīn, dìng qí jīn)
年金、定期支払い金 (nenkin, teiki shiharai kin)
연금, 정기금 (yeonggeum, jeonggiggeum)

Antagonism (n) /ænˈtægənɪzəm/
對立,敵對 (duì lì, dí duì)
敵対、反目 (tektai, hanmoku)
적대감, 반목 (jeokdaegam, banmok)

Antarctic (adj) /ænˈtɑːktɪk/
南極的 (nán jí de)
南極の (nan kyoku no) 남극의 (namgeug-ui)
(n) 南極地區 (nán jí dì qū)
南極地域 (nan kyoku chiiki)
남극 지역 (namgeug jieok)

Anthology (n) /ænˈθɒlədʒi/
選集,文選 (xuǎn jí, wén xuǎn)
選集、アンソロジー (senshū, ansorojī)
선집, 문집 (seonjip, munjib)

Apologetic (adj) /əˌpɒləˈdʒɛtɪk/
道歉的,表示歉意的 (dào qiàn de, biǎo shì qiàn yì de)
謝罪の、申し訳ない気持ちの (shazaino, mōshiwake nai kimochi no)
사과하는, 미안해하는 (sagwahanun, mianhaehanun)

Apparatus (n) /ˌæpəˈreɪtəs/
裝置,器械,設備 (zhuāng zhì, qì xiè, shè bèi)
装置、器具、設備 (sōchi, kigu, setsubi)
기구, 장치, 설비 (kigu, jangchi, seolbi)
Append (v) /əˈpɛnd/
附加,追加 (fù jiā, zhū jiā)
添付する、付け加える (tenpu suru, tsuke kawaru)
첨부하다, 추가하다 (cheombuhada, chugadahda)

Appliance (n) /əˈplaɪəns/
家用電器,器具 (jiā yòng diàn qì, qì jù)
家電製品、器具 (kaden seihin, kigu)
가전제품, 기구 (gajeonje품, kigu)
Applicant (n) /ˈæplɪkənt/
申請人,求職者 (shēn qǐng rén, qiú zhí zhě)
申請者、応募者 (shinsei-sha, ōbō-sha)
지원자, 신청자 (jiwonja, sincheongja)

Appraisal (n) /əˈpreɪzəl/
評價,估價,評估 (píng jià, gū jià, píng gū)
評価、査定 (hyōka, sadatei)
평가, 감정 (pyeongga, gamjeong)

“Conquest of the Cold"

(Verse 1)
In the land of eternal ice, under the Antarctic sky,
An annuity of memories, where dreams reach so high.
Amidst the antagonism of nature’s grandeur and might,
We brave the cold and endless night.

Antarctic explorer, in a world surreal and vast,
We face the unknown, our courage steadfast.
Through icy winds and snow, we stand,
In this frigid, wondrous land.

(Verse 2)
An anthology of whispers in the frozen air,
Apologies to loved ones, for the risks we dare.
Our apparatus guides us, through blizzards we ascend,
With hope and strength, our journey won’t bend.

Antarctic explorer, in a world surreal and vast,
We face the unknown, our courage steadfast.
Through icy winds and snow, we stand,
In this frigid, wondrous land.

We append our names to history, in this icy expanse,
Like appliances of survival, in a frozen dance.
Every applicant of adventure, with hearts ablaze,
Each step, each moment, a priceless appraisal in our gaze.

Antarctic explorer, in a world surreal and vast,
We face the unknown, our courage steadfast.
Through icy winds and snow, we stand,
In this frigid, wondrous land.

As the expedition ends, and we bid this land goodbye,
Our souls forever changed, beneath the Antarctic sky.
In this place of wonders, where few have trod,
We found our truth, eternal truth in mind.


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