159. ______ July 1 of this year, the individual income tax will decrease to 5 percent. (A) Effect (B) Effective (C) Effects (D) Effectively
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159. ______ July 1 of this year, the individual income tax will decrease to 5 percent. (A) Effect (B) Effective (C) Effects (D) Effectively
159. ______ July 1 of this year, the individual income tax will decrease to 5 percent. (A) Effect (B) Effective (C) Effects (D) Effectively
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The correct word to use in this sentence is "Effective." Effective means that something will begin to be in force or have an effect at a particular time. In this sentence, the individual income tax will begin to be in force at a 5% rate on July 1 of this year, so "Effective" is the correct word to use.
Here is the sentence with the correct word: "Effective July 1 of this year, the individual income tax will decrease to 5 percent."