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S&J 英國/澳洲 中文思考學唔到流利英文?文法錯,用字唔適合,句子唔邏輯… 英文思維亦講唔到正確廣東話!要堅持分開中英文思考 | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

S&J 英國/澳洲 中文思考學唔到流利英文?文法錯,用字唔適合,句子唔邏輯… 英文思維亦講唔到正確廣東話!要堅持分開中英文思考

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所以用字、 造句子、文法都可以令到個表達好唔一樣

00:00 開
00:20 英文
00:46 中文
03:16 Damon
05:04 唔該
07:51 思考
08:51 禮貌
10:00 愛情

SARAH https://www.instagram.com/rahrahsong/?hl=en
JASON https://www.instagram.com/chanjason_/?hl=en

#講英文 #中文思考 #翻譯 #英文口語
#中文思維 #英文思維 #英文思考
#SpeakEnglish #SpokenEngish
#Translate #ThinkinChinese #ThinkinEnglish


麗敏 說道:

Sarah, 你最後話陳生果句週圍攬女,好好笑😆

Lovely LeenLins 說道:

有时觉得觉得用 Thank you太普通了,真正好想多谢,用appreciate我觉得我会感动D.好喜欢听你们讨论问题。学到很多不同方面的知识啊。

kuos kuo 說道:

靚仔爸爸👨🏻 tvb走寶

Thomas Lou — 談’芯’說錶 說道:


Fan. Hoi Wu 說道:


MrMaymaybb123 說道:


A L 說道:

idk but do u guys film twice in both language? :/// wooooooooow effort

Aussie Haven 說道:

Very interesting discussion. I grew up in Hong Kong but went to a British school before eventually back in Australia. I still remember my English teacher said when I was primary 1, 'If you want to learn English properly, don't try to translate Cantonese into English'. That advice is extremely useful for life, especially when I later learnt French, Mandarin and Japanese. There are certain things that you cannot simply translate across languages, not just simply because of their syntactic structures, but the deep semantics that rooted in the culture itself.

For example Cantonese culture is not a very lovey duffy kind of culture. Cantonese speakers are mostly pragmatists and very practical. From a young age our elder generation taught us not to express our feelings publicly or it could get us disadvantaged in the adult world. And hence, saying, 'I love you' simply is not a thing. You can say 'I like you' or 'I need you' easily, but 'I love you' simply is not in the bone marrow of Cantonese culture. I still remember once of the first things in Drama School was being asked 'Why are you Cantonese speakers look the exactly same when you like or dislike someone?' Took me some time to put down this cultural burden for acting.

This kind of cultural difference would simply make translation across languages very difficult when these cultures do not share the same cultural similarities in certain concepts or ideas. Another example is the Eskimos has seven words for snow based on their appearance, texture etc. but in Chinese or English it is just snow, as we do not need to figure out what to do under what situation or condition of snow.

I have just started a channel teaching Cantonese in a systematic manner. As I just started it, so still figuring how to make it interesting, while standard and easy to pick up. As I am doing everything by myself while learning how to edit videos, it could look amateurish. If you guys can give me some feedback that would be great 😀


I always enjoyed this kind of videos from you guys 🙂

Raymond Ng 說道:

Hi, I thought you two should be truly bilingual, where you can think both in English and Cantonese at the same time. I have no doubt your kids will also have that capability but they must taught to do that and continue to do that while they are still young.

Hillmen Li 說道:


boon wai aaron Ng 說道:

Hi Sarah and Jason @mr Chan. Haha. Yes, casual hug. Haha. Some are not comfortable in terms of hugging. Perhaps, different gender. To me hugging is a courtesy manners, hugging means, make the person feel warm and welcome

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