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I couldn't like it more. Nice teacher
这是中国地图吗?如果是中华人民共和国你少了一个台湾,如果 你画的是中华民国那你少了蒙古国和台湾,对我有用,我看完了,但是我还是很讨厌这个导师,和他所在的国家!!!!!!!
He said that he got native level on Chinese after six moths ? That's bullshit . If you really got that level you most be a genius that's because Chinese is not a easy language to learn. How dare he said "In six months I fluent in Chinese and took a little bit longer to get up to native ". That's funny.
🇬🇧🇬🇧看美女露点私🈲️视频➕微信bckjyl🍚🍚🍚的染发十二点f y h
🇺🇸🇩🇪看美女露点私㊙️视频➕微信bckjyl🌟🔥🌟发回复好好过h g j j
Action 5 (finding a language parent) is almost impossible to do. For example, trying to find a Spanish speaking person who does not speak like firing a automatic machine gun. Paying for the service even if you can find one is going to be very expensive. Have you wondered why the speaker did not once demonstrate his mastery of Chinese learned in 6 months? In 6 months, you will be lucky if you can perfectly conjugate 3 Spanish verbs (ending in ar, ir, and er) in all its tenses. In Esperanto, perhaps, one may be able to attain some level of fluency in 6 months.
🐸🐸看美女露点私㊙️视频➕微信bckjyl🐸🐸🐸发回复咕咚咕咚 v 个
Is it really that easy ?I’m going to try
Is it really that easy ?I’m going to try
💻☕️看美女露点私㊙️视频➕微信bckjyl🍺🍷🍷覆盖广泛发不够y j
整個 Youtube 上面,真是充滿了無數中國糞青!我只是針對那些糞青說的,不是針對所有中國人。你們不懂得尊重別人,就不值得別人對你們的尊重!
This is completely useful.
If learning like you say so, why do not you prouncing in Mandarin? Do you have burning heart to know a culture language system? I beat you had learned. But ESL is outdate at all. Japanese is easier than English. And work well. Even Chinese dialects works well on poiltician too. Not offensive, I just want to listen you speak Mandarin. Then I will be satisfied.