English Lesson: Taking a Picture
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⭐ 抖音 🔍 彭玉印
🔥現在報名我的課,輸入優惠碼 PENG2025 領取$5優惠 (100多節課 – 基礎發音+初級詞彙文法+日常/商務口語)報名連結:
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LINE / WeChat 微信 = jonpengenglish
📧 = jonpengenglish@gmail.com
🟢 LINE 用戶名蒐索不到請點擊這裡添加https://line.me/ti/p/2_6u03XH7U
💼 商務 Business Inquiries: jonpenginfo@gmail.com
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⭐ 抖音 🔍 彭玉印
I didnt know the use of "shoot" includes
Photos as well .
Speaks too much😂
The poses💀😂
Poses❌kdrma girly✅🥺
Really good content, please more🙏
Sure, thirty dollars please
Cool you look like modeling 😂
Beautiful posture😂
you didn’t blink haha
I love you from korea
i gotta take these home and edit them,
sir ..can you explain what the meaning of this expression?
He’s cute
I like the color of her sweater !!!