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🍀232 Toeic 多益 快速解題 吳文英文 individual, integrity, motivate #shorts #toeic #英文文法 #學英文 | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

🍀232 Toeic 多益 快速解題 吳文英文 individual, integrity, motivate #shorts #toeic #英文文法 #學英文

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232. The company’s CEO is an individual of high integrity with the ability to inspire and motivate ____ employees. (A) one another (B) another (C) others (D) the other

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吳文英文 說道:

How to become a good leader?

There are many 1. _______ that can make a person a good leader. Some of the most important ones include:

1. 2. _________: A good leader is honest and has strong moral principles. They are trustworthy and do the right thing, even when it is difficult.

2. Communication skills: A good leader is able to effectively communicate their vision and ideas to others, and listen to the thoughts and ideas of team members.

3. 3. _______ intelligence: A good leader is able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. They can create a positive and inclusive environment for their team.

4. 4. _________: A good leader is able to adapt to changing circumstances and is open to new ideas and approaches.

5. Confidence: A good leader is 5. _______ in their abilities and decisions, but not arrogant. They are able to inspire confidence in their team.

6. 6. _________: A good leader is able to understand and connect with the needs and emotions of their team members.

7. Decision-making: A good leader is able to make sound and well-thought-out 7. _________, even under pressure.

Developing these characteristics takes time and effort, but it is possible to improve your leadership skills with practice and 8. self-_________.

1. characteristics
2. Integrity
3. Emotional
4. Adaptability
5. confident
6. Empathy
7. decisions
8. self-reflection

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