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214 Toeic 多益 快速解題 吳文英文 closure, overcapacity, announcement #shorts #toeic #英文文法 #學英文 | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

214 Toeic 多益 快速解題 吳文英文 closure, overcapacity, announcement #shorts #toeic #英文文法 #學英文

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214. The employees ____ about the plant closure because of overcapacity in the market before the announcement was made public. (A) know (B) known (C) knew (D) have known


吳文英文 說道:

How to promote products?

There are many ways to promote products, and the best 1. _____ will depend on the 2. ______ product and target audience. Here are a few general 3. _____ you might consider:

1. Advertising: Advertising can be an effective way to promote products, especially if you have a specific target audience in mind. You can use traditional methods such as TV or print ads, or try digital methods like social media ads or Google AdWords.

2. Content marketing: Creating valuable, informative content about your product can help attract potential customers to your website or social media channels. For example, you could write blog posts about the benefits of your product or create instructional videos demonstrating how to use it.

3. Influencer marketing: Partnering with influencers in your industry or niche can help you reach a larger audience. Influencers can promote your product through sponsored posts, social media mentions, or reviews.

4. Email marketing: If you have a list of email subscribers, you can use email marketing to promote your products. This can be an effective way to reach people who have already expressed an interest in your brand or products.

5. Discounts and 4. ______: Offering discounts or promotions can be a good way to encourage people to try your product. You could offer a percentage off the regular price, free shipping, or a free gift with purchase.

Remember to always be clear about the 5. _____ of your product and how it will solve the customer's problem or need.

1. approach

2. specific

3. strategies

4. promotions

5. benefits

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