博客來網路書店是台灣大家都知道的網路書店 許多書籍、雜誌、CD、DVD、各項商品,都可以在裡面找到你喜歡的書 尤其對於一般的小資族,當你逛一些實體書店時,只要手機在手 在博客來輸入書名,都可以找到更便宜的書籍 像是這個月的活動 所以家裡有小朋友的爸媽,可以參考一下這個活動! 而目前舉辦的國際書展,更是有許多之前沒有打折書,現在都有折扣 非常建議網友們,可以好好參考一下囉! 博客來書展網路書局,買書博客來書展,博客來書展網路書店,博客來書展書店,博客來書展運費,博客來書展好書推薦,暢銷書籍專賣店,網路買書方便又便宜 線上書店, 二手線上書店,亞馬遜線上書店,免費線上書店,網路書局,線上書店,線上書店,線上書店 比價,博客來書展線上書店,日本線上書店.線上書店有哪些.線上書店有哪些.線上書店有 |
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She doesn't know how to pronounce voiced consonants.
看到底下留快笑死 我國中老師也是個廢物加班導 仁愛國中周X芬操妳媽
I think everyone has some sort of accents? But this so called'tutor' is a joke.
Its alright, I do undershtand you, although I think you're to blame for all the Chinglish.
她可以和台湾英语状元 Tony Chen 相比较吗?
他這樣說話好累喔! 聲帶非常的辛苦 可能會有水腫.發炎.或結節的壯況發生~~
一位老師可以教了二十幾年,還保持熱情及這種聲音,這是我配服她的地方。Understand and you can remember, practice and you can be fluent.
"u" fix "ur" typo, before "u" write comments 🙂
Please be respectful. Everyone has an accent.
OMG fix ur accent before u teach others =="
教得珍得很好~~ 哎為啥我國中英文老師那麼廢
@epxa10 少在那裡臭屁~你以為大家都納嚜多時間和金錢可以存到那些錢嗎 還有駐國外的風險你考慮了嗎 智障ㄟ
UP= Utterly Pathetic….
Ugly Pig!
Hi, I can understand how you feel.
書的封面照是phtoshoped 的吧?
每個老師有每個老師的教學特色…飛" 鴿 "?好嗎? 我不覺得…2010年有上過他的課…就知道他的課時間有多亂…反之" 嚇躲 " 補充也很多…還會延長上課時間。值回票價。
A year ago in Taiwan, I tried working for this broad but she rejected me because apparently she was not all that impressed with my linguistic skill as I lectured the class entirely in English. You see I was brought up and raise in the state and that's how I learn the damn language by listening and speaking English all day in class. But those little brats insisted me to speak Mandarin which I refused to do so and so I was fired by that Taiwanese bitch!!
UP= U r Pathetic!
what about the word input?
ONderstand?? why does she say onderstand? she is a joke!
@eugenechh yoo man there is no point to condescend her English, There are many ABC who teach English in Taiwan and how many of them can actually be like Miss Xu?
@szymanowskiyip hey man I can point out a few mistake you made with the comment you posted, well peoples' not poeple's and it's not ''still that crappy'', it's still that crap. There is no need to put y thanks.